"Shared Power" - Luke 24:36b-48

Christ is Risen!  The tomb was empty - Hallelujah!  Easter continues this week as we consider Jesus’ appearance to his disciples in Jerusalem.  He again shows them his scars, again challenges them for their lack of faith, and again he chooses them to continue His work in the world.  He breaths his spirit on them and opens their minds to understand scripture before encouraging them out into the world to share the Good News.  As members of the Church that those disciples created so long ago, we are heirs to the call Jesus gave them.  Each of us is called to strengthen the body of Christ by sharing the Good News and inviting more people into the fold.

 What gifts do you have that help make the world a more loving place?  We need each other for this life of faith and I invite you all to consider your call at this moment.  Where is God pulling you?  Where are the stories of scripture echoing in your life and in the world right now?  Who have you encountered that you can be a blessing to?  No matter what the world has told you, we all have something to offer at all stages in our life.  Let us create a place where we empower one another for the work of God’s kingdom and see what happens when we chose a life of discipleship.

 Pastor Shannon

Sarah Struwe