Rochester, MN UCC - "The Provision of God" - Deuteronomy 18:15-20

As Moses speaks the commandments of God to the people of Israel in the book of Deuteronomy, he also tells them that God will not leave them after his passing. “The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own people; you shall heed such a prophet.” This provision for God’s people is an incredible blessing. The people of God are never left completely in the dark about God’s will for them, in every age people are raised up to proclaim the divine will, to guide the Church.

 The words of God spoken through the prophets throughout the centuries testified to the coming of the Messiah. In Jesus Christ, our Messiah, God’s Word becomes flesh and dwells among us. God continues to provide for the Church’s life and guidance by Christ’s presence in the Scriptures, in the preached Word, in the gathering of the faithful, and in Holy Communion. And God continues to raise up prophets and teachers in the Church who speak in Christ to faithfully proclaim God’s will to the people.

 In the last year we celebrated the 165th anniversary of the founding of our congregation. Over that course of time, God has raised up numerous prophets and teachers to proclaim God’s will in our midst. You have likely come to know some of them. You have heard the words of God spoken through the mouths of children, and elders. You have probably seen God’s will performed by those serving others, worshiping with devotion, and living in love and faithfulness. These siblings in Christ have spoken God’s will to us with their mouths and their actions. They have guided our congregation throughout these last 165 years. As we celebrate another year of ministry at The Congregational Church, let us give thanks for these prophets raised up by God for our wellbeing, and let us pray that we might continue their work and help our congregation to walk in faith for generations to come.

 Rev. Andrew Greenhaw

Sarah Struwe